[MEL] urban scum poker run 2

anyone going to this tomorrow?

(info from facebook - fixie girl bike gang)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
10:30am - 2:00pm
Darebin Parklands Tower. Melways 31 C9

Collect a poker hand as you ride melbourne’s cobbled underbelly. Best hand at the end takes the jackpot. $10 in. Not a race.

Let me know if you’re coming and we can all ride over in a posse beforehand. Any type of bike will do. Bring yourselves, your bike some water and your mad adventure skillz.

Is this girls-only or are stinky boys allowed???

everyone is welcome, apparently.

yeah what he said. stink or no stink. boys and girls. all you need is a bike i reckon (and helmet) :evil:

(ps i don’t know who organised it. i just saw that this wasn’t posted here so i thought i would post it)

aside from the poker angle, it sounds suspiciously like the roobaix.

so you gonna do it? kirk and tom showed interest…

nah. i’m going to go and ride hills instead.

In like the Tasmanian.

I like the concept. Roobaix is a straight-up first past the post kisses the bluestone trophy - and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that - this is a little more ‘fun for everyone’ from the look of it. everyone gets a prize day, that kind of thing :wink:

and it’s a good day to have it. everyone’s out getting maggoted at bbqs or at the track.


was ace. got dealt rubbish cards, but I can’t believe how much cobbled lanes you can ride in 18k … overheard the organisers say they rode it twelve times before they got it right linking everything up. Map’s around here somewhere, might convert it to a google map tomorrow. What was that laneway billycart thing on off the back of High St today though … looked interesting :lol:

A 15 year-old kid picked up $250 for 3 fives. Bless.

Rumor has it his mother is going to up the rent :evil: