Blackburn will be hosting our traditional Australia Day Madison on Mon 26th Jan 2009.
The program includes for the second year, a womens madison. Last year we had 3 teams, obviously we’d like to improve on that! We’re running madison practice at many of the regular Saturday races at Blackburn over summer to help get anyone who wants to have a go ready to do it in a race.
So if you’re female, and want to have a go at a madison but don’t fancy doing it at DISC (I don’t blame you!) the Australia Day Madison may be something you can consider.
Any queries, contact me and I’ll put you onto the right people.
Yeah, we don’t have no velodrome down on the mornington peninsula (though there was one early last century) and Chelsea is dead as far as I know. Aside from Blackburn, you’ve pretty much got to go north of the yarra if you want to train on the track in a group.