[MELB] Ride - Early Saturday Morning 26/11

So who’s all talk then? :wink:

Anyone in Melbourne up for a ride Saturday morning.

I usually ride with a couple of other fixers starting in Carlton 7:30, meeting at the corner of Swanston and Elgin.

Everyone welcome, so come along and have some fun.

It’s fairly uncommon for us, but this week we’re thinking of going for a spin down Beach Rd to annoy some precious roadies. I’ve got a new 14T and I want to use it:)

The Brunswick track would normally be a good place to start but the weather looks a bit iffy and after last week’s adventure I’m not going back there in the wet!

-Nick (not Primz)

argh man my fixie is held up in that art show. i have a cyclocross, but its so slow. 12t on the back, 34 on the front. killer. this really sucks.

so if anyone has some parts ie. an entire bike, i want to buy it :slight_smile:

nick #2 (primz)

This is exactly the reason one bike is just not enough.

i know i know… nice bikes are just hard to build. parts are sparse & expensive … etc … but it shouldn’t be too long. i’m on the case.

it would have been a great morning down Beach Rd… there is always next time.

let us know how it goes.

did you guys go out on saturday? you suck for not reminding me!


when is the next one


If you need reminding to go for a ride, there’s a fundamental problem.

Next one is next Saturday. And the one after that is the following Saturday. 7:30am

See you there!

haha, i dont need to be reminded to ride per se, just to wake up that early on the weekend :slight_smile:

i will see you this saturday for sure.


ok, im going to be there. no pikers!


if its raining i might be the piker :slight_smile:

“Saturday: Cloudy periods with a shower or two and a fresh west to northwesterly wind.”

cmon Nick, don’t make me question your sexuality. It’s only a shower or two :slight_smile: