Melbourne bike tag

Allied Mills, Kensington.

I go away for one day and look what happens tag


Peel Street North of Victoria Street

Pix or it didn’t happen


The above image contains 589824 pixels but you only need to concern yourself with 1.

I actually know this one.

probs won’t get it though :wink:

Not with that attitude

Totally forgot about this when I left the RMIT bike hub on cardigan street in Carlton…

y’know the one, near queensberry street…?


205 Queensberry

Laps in your old Falcon.

the architecture folk may have more info, but I seem to recall the PIXEL building was kind of a big deal when it was launched (with a speech by Hillary Clinton no less!)?

I think I heard it lay empty for a while after launching though…?


I do remember when in one of my design classes as RMIT them talking about it being a zero carbon building ya ya ya etc.

^ Yeah, 6 star Green Star and ‘just because you can model it on a computer doesn’t mean you should build it’ award.

…actually, I’m going to make a call that Water Boy’s tag has been done before, so SpaceFrog’s tag is still current unless Water Boy can throw up a replacement.

I think it’s a new one, are you confusing it with this

Gonna grab it before lunch… if i remember.

^ Oh it’s a different one, is it? Carry on then.

Yeah different building.

Laps of lygon. Argyle Square.

Door prize


Wider shot

372 Lt Lonsdale St, CBD

Doggerino snoot Tag