Metal and That

Hey Blakey

What’s the deal with metal skewers and axle nuts?

Does my ENO hub slip a bit because it has steel axle nuts on an aluminium frame? It doesn’t seem to slip on steel frames. Or did I just not tighten it enough?

Have you set the axle so that it is more rearward and pointing down? So your fat-ass is keeping the tension on the chain. And what are you doing riding an alloy frame? Well Shameful, take the shame.

Speaking of METAL

You’ll be rearward and pointing down in a minute. The axle’s where it is because the chain is only as long as it is. The axle is below and in front of the bolt.

And…I’m not riding it. Someone else is.

I haven’t had any experience with ENOs, but I would assume that it was the bolt torque, as aluminium is almost always softer than steel, so you should have been able to bite into Al dropouts a bit easier than steel. If you have knurled locknuts of course. If they’re smooth they may slip a bit easier on aluminium.

Why is it slipping? i.e. under torque (acceleration or braking) or from vertical loads?

Dunno yet. I’ll have to get more details from Rogaine tomorrow.

Is it possible to use a chain tug thingy?

No. It’s an eccentric hub in vertical dropouts so a chain tug won’t help.

We can discuss over coffee tomorrow then. Bring your slide rule and pocket protector.

(Will the Jubilieum be making an appearance?)

I’d like to since we have a special visitor but alas:
Saturday A few showers. Windy. Min 12 Max 17

Zip ties then.