Micro-tour 2!

ok. we heading north this time?
where’s a good town to use as a base?

Noosa, or Eumnundi?

eumundi sounds pretty good, bit out of the ordinary (well, for me at least). are we going on the assumption of 3 days riding? maybe even the possibility of including a brewery tour along the way for those inclined?

I like the idea of eumundi.

Lets lock in dates, I’ve got a two big projects kicking off soon so need to get leave organised. Maybe middle weekend.in July? 3 days?

i live up the coast here but am pretty shithouse cyclist but what sort of accom are you guys looking for and food wise i can give you some heads up on places and cycle routes/traffic.

So we gonna stay one night in Eumundi (or somewhere thereabouts) - then roll on with our gear to another place?
like woodford (92ks)

I’m easy as - provided the rides are long, hilly and brutal… I’m there.

Mid July is fine with me

Will the usual suspects be riding on saturday morning so we can discuss things further?

How about:

Brisbane Eumundi ~ 140km

Eumundi - Kilcoy - 117km

Kilcoy - Fernvale - Mt Crosby - Brisbane ~130km

is that too short?

does the pope like boys?


I’m probably going to miss Saturday but happy for you guys to nut out details. If anyone wants Sunday hills with beers and some planning after I’m in.

day 1 - if we go over mt mee, the count goes up to about 170km. There is also an option to then go up through maleny; this would be a very unforgiving day.

^this, I like - I wanna be fukiing destroyed by the end of day 2

not sure how tough going through mt crosby is but for the most part on day 3 it seems relatively flat, so i’m all for hitting it hard the first two days.

How many people going to hit this up fixed? Shirts?

Wost likely - will make the call closer to the date… I’ve only just started back on the bike from injury and there’ll be plenty of pain in those hills on 86GI

thems waz my foughts too

put that day 1 through the map machine, looks like 180km and about 1,600m climb.

Day1: Brisbane to Eumundi in QLD, Australia | Bike Map | MapMyRIDE


the brisbane - byron ride was roughly same distance - but only 1150m of climbing.
i think i am up for it. (eek!)

Map looks good untill cooloolabin rd from mapelton thats crazy down hill and gravel all washed out super narrow,
may be head down from montville into palmwoods then nambour yandina up through north arm all pretty good roads.
or palmwoods into big pineapple then into maroochy dore up to noosa coast road?