Missed Connections - Part 6

Not sure Cale would be running white tyres though!?

Also his Kypo is all blue, no white or chrome IIRC.

HMC outside Flinders St Station, locks flowing in the breeze.

the kypo had chrome stays, kind of dark blue around the joints, fading to light blue then white in the middle of the tubes. i have spotted him a couple of times before on swanston, will say hi next time and find out who he is!

also, just out of curiosity, does anybody from outside of melbourne use this thread?

^^ the site is very Melbournecentric, prob due to more users from here I guess. Other cities look to have their own spotted threads and we don’t. So it’s almost become Melbournes by default.


this morning on kent st, the uber-hipster-chick on fixed gear, with flop-n-chops, mess bag, bmx helmet etc.

Zomg first blakey then i got chased up swanston by dimos in his tram with his bell ringing.

Some dude with a black glitter McLachlan and a sweet wizardly beard in Southbank at lunchtime.

He sounds pretty dodgy, probably stole it

its something interesting

i hear this dude might even be at DISC tonight to weave some wizardly magic…

oh, and the post above mine sure isn’t at all interesting! get em mods!!

dude sounds dope wish i could meet him,

outside flinders st station, bikeless

rolly if by magic you mean major self embarrassment you are correct!

Two missed connections yesterday, a gent turning L out of Gertrude into Brunswick in front of Newtown Workers, red frame, rear mudguard, a few cards, jacket a-flappin’, dainty wee skid at the apex of the corner, was poetry.

Someone doing the smile-and-wave heading the other way on Arthurton Rd, didn’t recognise them on account of my face streaming from every orifice due to illness. Hi, whoever you are

Yes! Nice surprise at 5:30AM…

Just finished up at HP and was on my way home…

I have a theory… were you out baiting the hipster cops today?

nobr akes

it all makes sense now haha.

if you met the guy i had lunch with you would understand, he is hipster god! i was just trying to make him feel comfortable

Damn, you’re good, you’re real good…

saw loads of decent bikes in sydney yesterday including…

dark purple 3Rensho locked up at Bondi Beach
beardo on a purple kerrie hopkins roadie at Bondi Junc
skinny dude on a red/white/blue steel merckx roadie in centennial park

are rollerblades the new fixed gear? i’ve seen several rollerbladers over the last 2 days…

last year when I worked in the city (sydney) there was a pack of at least 15 rollerbladers who would skate through the cbd some evenings. gave me major flashbacks to the early 90’s.