Missed Connections - Part 6

Guy gave me a wave on corner of Victoria/Swanston. I had a set of wheels on my back. It was raining and i couldn’t quite make out who you were.

that hurts man, i thought we were close
twas me

Super-commuter douche on Royal Pde this morning, who scared the shit out of me when he clipped my elbow as he overtook me on the inside as I slowed for a red light. Flouro vest does not make overtaking on the left (undertaking?) safe.

I had an inkling it was you. But i thought i saw BRAKE on the front and i know you roll without.
That and according to the eye doctor i should be wearing glasses cos im blind as shit.

missed connection with an ambulance on sydney rd about an hour ago. I almost ended up in one…

bike lane, guy turning left, pulled across in front of me, i got pwned, his passenger door ate shit and my front wheel is now wobbling on its axis.

and my jeans got ripped out of the arse.
still alive, and not in much pain. beer time

holy shit dude, that’s serious. could have been much worse though… you’re lucky / unlucky depending on your point of view. Did the guy stop?

Nasty stuff, hope you’re okay…Sydney Rd bites again.

get insurance details…?
Replace front wheel with phil wood/h+son combo, if you know what I mean :smiley:
Were they nice jeans?
Also, I have spare front wheel if you need it dude. Nothing special, but fairly true.

ahhh glad it was only an “almost” got t-boned tara. grattan was where i got t-boned. NOT GOOD

dude stopped, was very upset and very good about the whole thing, gave me a call a couple of hours later to see how i was (wouldn’t it be nice if more motorists were like this).
could have been much worse, so i’m kinda lucky, fucking sydney road can eat my balls though.
apart from (try)a little tenderness i’m perfectly ok. won’t be riding to work in the morning though
and yes dylan, we think much alike. and they were nudie jeans

in communist russia, jeans are repairable. use the search function.

(for jeans, not communist russia).

A couple over the last two days.

On Wednesday afternoon just before 4pm, Campbell on his all white + gold steed talking on the phone as he headed into the city on Royal Parade. I yelled for a skid and got a wave from the lady friend he was with.
And last night at the museum at about 7pm, a girl rode through on what looked like a v. nice conti roadie with mud guards. Saw it out of the corner of my eye, but I’ll just assume it was nice.

nudie jeans

cost more to replace than a new front wheel :frowning:
One of the many reasons I’d rather not ride in my Edwins.

Also, searched for communist russia, found this

In communist Russia, bike rides you!

really? i had no idea :wink:

they repaired my nudies so often. though last time they told me i needed to wash them before i bring them in. i tried to explain to them the whole “never wash” thing, but they didn’t seem to get it. in communist russia, you wash jeans.

you were not in Russia during the Communist regime Brendan.

no. but the russians on latrobe st who fix my jeans were.

see james, that’s my joke.

damn, i suck.

Nikcee around 12:30pm Saturday, Johnston & Napier?

Not sure if that was you or not, I only noticed at the last moment. Usually I ride with my eyes closed.

Nikcee around 12:30pm Saturday, Johnston & Napier?

Not sure if that was you or not, I only noticed at the last moment. Usually I ride with my eyes closed.