Missed Connections - Part VII

If you actually love furniture, you hate IKEA. And I hate that place.
Also, went to Fitzroy yesterday, via an ATM in Smith Street, Collingwood.
Fixies everywhere, and SCUM walkin around grossing up the place.
Excited to see bikes, not to see junkies.

^ Living proof that beer makes you see double…

one causes the other.

Junkies = lower realestate prices = students and artists = cool cafes = cool bars = fixies.

Fixed that for ya.

Junkies = lower realestate prices = students and artists = Ikea furniture = cool cafes = cool bars = fixies = gentrification = higher realestate prices = no more junkies.

Circle of life.

so if i encourage junkies to move back into the city i may be able to afford a penthouse apartment?

Love furniture? It’s not really something I can get passionate about, oddly.

Back on topic: saw Tommy Tran on his seriously sweet Jim Bundy on College St last night.

Love that bike, hate that dude. :wink:

Yeh, what an arsehole. Always being “nice” and “friendly”.

Pretty sure I saw Blakey himself cruise past Dennis station at 7:50am yesterday morning.

I was going to yell for a skid, but your hub sounded better anyway. :wink:

girl riding down swanston today on a cream ss with a big ass cardigan and a horse riding helmet on

If the rider was on a Green Co-Motion it’s me. V!Z trials freewheel buzzes better than WI do.

Good to see you still have that V!Z clicker I sold you blakey.

Yup, will have to decide whether to replace it with WI or another V!Z when it finally wears out.


Plus I hear he now rocks the Aeropress x Kyocera combo, so he’ll probably even offer you a tasty brew.

Sorry to hear about that. But good to see there are a couple of other guys all the way up here!

HMC (i’m assuming) going up Smith street yesterday on his gold Hillman, long locks flowing in the wind. The JAMS at Xiu Xiu last night. Nice to meet people outside the internet. Saw a nice GT triple triangle locked up out the front of the show too.

fuck. i forgot xiu xiu was last night. shit. that was a waste of a ticket

oh yeah, met Icecream aka John last night as well.