Missed Connections - Part VII


Ahhh. I thought so :wink:

I’ve always wondered, is this the BBV/Sunshine Grease, guitar playing Tom Hall?

yup, thats me

Rad. You have some skill. Thanks for curing my curiosity. Anyway, I should get back to my lurking/stalking.

pretty sure the infamous Evil Genius was lurking outside my work on errol st this afternoon, about 6.30pm…

Out at 6:30pm is pretty late for a 13 year old…

not really…

His mum follows him around when he rides.

saw a total babe last night, riding through the museum with a pink areospoke…
yelled for a skid… didnt get squat…

Sims ?

That was me, Mum lets me go to like IGA and back home and I did that like 50 billion times (She wasn’t their btw)… today I’m gonna see if she’ll let me go a bit more away from Errol Street.

But she never rides.

i imagine riding between your place and IGA must be pretty frustrating, but good on ya for getting out there anyway. much better than sitting on the couch playing computer games

dont worry about the haters man, just enjoy your bike.

Is this guy trolling or serious ?!

^ he’s real. He’s a kid, and his parents worry. Which is alot better than them not giving a shit.

Worry about riding a fixie or riding in general ? Just promise to leave the house in elbow and shin pads etc.

No, worried about anything where they can’t see me.

Just went for a ride down to the market and back.
EDIT- By myself, see… she will let me out a bit further now.