Mount Donna Buang in Winter

Hey there everyone.
I see on Google Maps that the road to the summit on Mt Donna Buang is “closed Jun-Oct” - I’m assuming due to snow. My question though is this - is it still OK to ride it? Is it closed to bikes as well, is it dangerous (snow/black ice/etc)?

Only dirt side is closed in winter. Fine for bikes. Highly recommended in fact - having the climb to yourself is amazing…

Since the road is closed there will be lots of fallen branches, etc. Good cx practice.

Yeah, probably snow. But only sketchy during the last 2km on the sealed section to summit.

pretty sure plenty of ppl have ridden up it in winter, dalaii & miked have posted pics before I think.

I’m curious about whether you can drive up it too, been thinkin about a day trip recently.

Gate is closed to cars

Yeah but Hilux POWER.

so sealed & unsealed roads to the summit are closed? bugger.

is it worth walkin to the top?

zactly!! BRAAAAAP

There might be some black ice on cold days, but if you’re riding up, that’s fine. Less fun if you’re taking the dirt side on your way down.

You could take a motorbike around the gate if it’s a lightish offroad/dual sport bike, but expect to see your way up blocked by trees/branches. You could use a hilux to drive through the gate (literally). Not recommended.

@rolly - you can still take the sealed road to the summit, but the last bit of that too closes occasionally in winter due to snow/black ice

I rode it once in November and there was snow on top.
I rode it this May and it was fine.
I really wouldn’t like to ride it with icy roads. Wait until better weather.

So… Saturday?
Thats the plan at this stage anyway.

Go the dirt way. Much nicer.

Can be snow from several kms till the sealed final ascent.

Be prepared to walk the last few kms on a rowdy or CX bike if there is snow.

Also recommend descending the dirt way as less ice and no traffic.

Check the Warburton info centre facebook page for snow info on the top.

No gravel tires and not much interest in the gravel tbh…
I know I’m letting FOA down with that statement.
But sealed roads are OK by me, particularly if the road is closed to vehicles.

The sealed road is open to cars.

The gravel climb is doable on a roady. Me and Che came down the dirt way last time as there was so much snow his rim brakes didn’t work and CX tyres would have been dodgy on the slick fast sealed descent.

i’ll find a way :wink:

Pica from last years mission

Where do you get onto the Gravel road? I cant seem to find it on Google Maps

EDIT: looking at the photos - I think it’ll be a no-go on Saturday. 6cm of snow up there now, don’t like my chances getting up there on a roadie. Spring/Summer may have to do. Bummer.

Don rd (which is also partially gravel). Donna Buang rd is gravel from Don rd side. From Acheron way side Donna Buang rd is sealed…

Might still be a go-er then. I dropped teh Streetview guy and should be ok for a lot of it. Misth still give it a crack, go as far as I can.

Get a gravel bike, Luke:


I’ve ridden the sealed side numerous times through winter in preparation for OS trips in the Northern Hemisphere autumn. Most was 23 times over 8 rides back in 2011…

The road has gates at the turn off the Acheron way (just above the steepest section Cement Creek), Ten Mile Turntable car park and finally at the last car park before the summit car park. Only gate I’ve ever seen closed is this top gate at around 1km from the summit. Here I’ve never been stopped from continuing my ride through the snow/slush to the top to finish each lap. Just need to descend slowly as you carefully filter through the families walking up and down.

Make sure you have plenty of extra layers for the descent. Due to the wet roads, possible leaf litter etc on the road you won’t be pedaling much of the ~20 minute descent. I usually wear the following and manage ok - merino long sleeve thermal top, jersey, arm warmers, gillet plus waterproof top, cap and my warmest gloves. Long bibs, merino socks, shoe covers and plastic overpants I carry up in my second bidon cage (bottle top cut off and pants stored in). If doing laps you can fill up your bottle at the fresh spring at the Ten Mile turntable car park ~3 1/2 km from the summit on each descent.

If you are lucky it may be like this

But more often like below. Note that these were taken on the same day, just on different repeats…

The road is a gazetted road and managed by Vicroads and they will usually clear the roads of snow by mid morning. As mentioned by MikeD, the Warburton Info centre facebook page and website is the best source of conditions information.

I remember riding up on Boxing Day a few years back and there was snow at the top. One of my favourite climbs