Moving to Perth


I’m moving to Perth in a few months, what gear ratios do you ride with ?

I moved here from Sydney a few months ago. I was riding 42-16 now ride 46-17. Probabaly gonna put a smaller rear sprocket on soon cause I like going fast along flats. Depends where you live. There are a few decent hills but it’s no Sydney.

I ride with a 46-17 too, does the job decently. But yeah like HLC said, depends on where you’re going to be living.

65-75 gear inches should be just about right for perth. personal preferance really…

50 x 17 works for me…but anything beefier makes riding against headwinds pretty miserable. Perth may have undulating topography, but in summer the wind can blow like Satan’s arsehole after beer and curry night.

this. and I live just off the river at Burswood. you cant win sometimes, you think you are gonna sneak around a corner and grab a tailwind along the bike paths but you are wrong ha ha

im running 42x16 (69) on my commuter but for big weekend rides (50km-70km) i use more like 46x17 (71), 46x16 (75), or sometimes even 46x15 (80) if i feel like some punishment

if you want an all round gear for perth that’ll get you up hills but you wont eat shit down hills cos ur spinning out, go for around 70 gear inches.

48 x 18 has always done the trick around town.

I’m running 48x17 at the moment giving me 17 skid patches and about 75gi. 48x18 is nice as well. I’m running 167.5mm cranks.

What’s in perth? is it fun? is it cold or hot and how many bogans are there?
Also, how bout the hills?
And is it good for shopping? I went to adelaide and it sucked for shopping.

Seriously I couldn’t find a fucking tshirt that I liked in adelaide.

Coming from Sydney,

Perth is not fun.

It’s fucking hot. all the time. Aside from today, was over 30 days consecutively over 30 degrees, and over 2 weeks where the temp hasnt got below 21 at night.

The CBD is REALLY FLAT compared to sydney. But just like anywhere, there are some big hills around.

Shopping is pretty ordinary. A few good shops, mostly shit though. Cant wait to get some new gear when im back in Sydders.

Other than that its a really nice place!

Oh and there are a shitload of Bogans.

Aside from living in the Southern suburbs, they all seem to congregate at the casino like it’s the city or something. I live 5 minutes walk from the Casino, which is a 5-10 minute ride from the city… you would think you were actually an hour out of town its that ‘suburban’

I moved here from London 3 years ago and i’ve still not adjusted to life in Perth fully.
Living down east vic park which is a tiny slice of Melbourne, a bit run down which is a nce change from
the shiny cbd. 9 mnhs the weather is pretty perfect but summer I too freakin hot. I am a piss weak pom though.
No real dedicated track/fixed shop still, I get all parts imported in bulk from Japan and US as there Isnt much hard to find
stock readily available.
Watch out for the drivers here… Worst in the world. Even homegrown Perth drivers say that!

It’s a weird place. You would be hard pressed to meet nicer people than here in Perth. That is until they get behind the wheel of a car. I dont think they deliberately try to kill you, but because there is so little traffic on the roads compared to Australia they just dont pay attention. They also didn’t pay any attention during their driving exam on the following sections - How to go around a roundabout, merging on to freeways, using indicators and sticking to the speed limit in the right hand lane.

The weather is fabulous for most of the year but this summer has been a bit harsh. 38 deg and riding into a headwind can take away your will to live a bit. The beaches are sensational, Fremantle is great and their beers and ciders are pretty good too. Get down south to Dunsborough and Margaret River, absolutely fantastic and pretty much the best coffee in the entire state. Service in restaurants is rubbish compared to Australia and the cost of living is higher.

You will be disturbed by the amount of bogans, I think it is state law to own an SS Commodore or a 4WD. I have run 46 x 18 on S/S cyclocross bike until yesterday and changed over to 46 x 16 for doing the Freeway Bike Hike in a couple of weeks. I get everything either from the net (Track Supermarket in Osaka) for my Panasonic Keirin or the usual internet suppliers. Other bits I get from Dan Hale at Shifterbikes back in Melbourne.

Gee, I have really bagged the place, haven’t I. Did I mention that the people are the nicest around and because there aren’t anywhere near as many fixie riders, they are usually keen to chat when you come across one.

Also if you are interested in doing track training, get along on a Tues night to the velodrome in Midvale. A fantastic group of people up there who make you feel very welcome, teach you how to ride the boards and have bikes for hire as well, all for $15. Bargain