Mt Coree camp out - Friday 15th November

To celebrate two birthdays and Aeons’ end of semester we’re riding out to Mt Coree on Friday afternoon, camping there, cruising around on Saturday then ending with a picnic lunch at Cotter.
All welcome

Never been out there - what sort of bike is needed? What time are you thinking of leaving?

It’s fire trail to the campsite which is at the base of the 2km trail to the summit. Cross bike will make it to the campsite but 29er would be more comfortable. The short trail to the summit is steep and rocky but the view at the top is awesome.
Probably leave around 4 at the latest. That would give us 3 and a half hours to get there before sunset

We might be able to figure out a way for someone to drop us off closer to the base of the brindy’s. That would allow us to leave later or ride more

The last coree ride was really fun, so excited to do that climb again! I’ll probably ride the dually. I need to grab some whisperlite fuel off keith so we can cook an awesome breakfast in the morning and then bomb back down the car. I can lend out camping stuff (spare sleeping bag that’s okay as well as a mat, tent or blue tarp).

If you don’t have time to do the whole cruise around/brunch part on saturday then you can easily split off when we get to the bottom.

I’d love the sleeping bag. I have one but it’s huge. Also need to find a frame bag to borrow

Hmmm, I won’t be able to finish until 5.00. I could drive out and meet you at some point though…

Oh yeh, could you get dropped somewhere along Brindabella Rd then ride from there?

Day 1:Viewing To Coree | MapMyRide

Day 2:Viewing Coree - Ginini - Cotter | MapMyRide

What do you think?

Where are we going to start from? the climb last time was pretty good. Perhaps try and cut out that first bit that we rode? Ginini could be fun. The double track descent from coree is pretty wicked as well.

I was thinking of leaving from work, going up Mt MacDonald and then straight up Brindabella rd to Piccadilly circus. but that plan is only based on not being able to drive out there. if we could then we could do something completely different. I think the descent from ginini would be pretty fun and relaxed

What’s the plan guys? I want in

So we’re thinking of riding the centenary trail thing on Friday afternoon til sundown.
Aeons thinks the southern half would be good, but I looked at the detailed map and it doesn’t seem to be much that isn’t paved. The northern half between Hall and Majura is pretty well offroad though

Sounds great, I finish work at fyshwick at 5 then can ride wherever

Camp somewhere?

Theres a campground between mulligans flat road and hall, maybe 5k or so from mulligans flat road? I reckon thats probably far enough to keep bogans away? I dunno. But its a nice spot, have a water tank and a loo.

Sounds nice. Aeons didn’t sound too keen on camping, but maybe he just needs convincing. I’m going to finish work early but I reckon we could come ride to meet you then cruise out from there, maybe go up through Mt Pleasant and Ainslie.

ezy, have you changed your mind at all?

I’m not fussed either way on camping

I am doing mt Ginini on saturday so probably won’t camp but I’m keen on a long afternoon ride on the trail.

Lets do it

Alright, Aeons and I can meet you at work at 5, then roll out from there. MAybe grab dinner from Dickson on the way out?