Naked Fillet Brazed Perkins 853

Thanks for all the positive comments guys. My photos really don’t do it justice though, I’ll get some better ones soon hopefully. I love this bike so much.

Briefly saw this after the Roobaix and was all like “dammmmmn” Rotor 3D’s have to be up there with Hollogram’s as my favourite cranks (aesthetically, as I havn’t owned either… yet)

It’s a really tasteful build, sure there are things I’d do differently but I love it. Great Job and I cant wait to see how the steel will age under the clear coat.

Really classy and goes to show you don’t need to drop stupid money to achieve a good result.
It’s all about patient and knowing what you want .


(ridden Slinky’s bike with a steel fork back to back to compare?)

Anyway, shaving weight off a bike is easy, adding 80kg’s of rider and actual models (Analytic Cycling, Interactive Methods for Estimating Cycling Performance Parameters. Tom Compton) shows that it hardly matters as much as we would think.

Anyway, not arguing bro - it’s not a Vitus :wink:

ha ha.

Changing the forks would be more based on aesthetics than performance. I’m more than aware that changing them would make sweet fuck all difference to how fast I can ride, I just like the way light components look.

aesthetics? steel fork > carbon fork!

saw your bike at the swap meet. truly awesome build.

  • a billion.

Shit hot.

And the saddle shape actually looks comfortable.

Wow nice find/build!! I nearly brought a custom 853 old man Perkins roadie a few years ago. Fucking love the sig Perkins straight fork.

The evne fork won’t compromise the performance… And will make the bike more comfortable ( sorry Spirito and the rest of the FoA crowd ) steel fork and vers carbon fork there is no comparison… Again sorry for the samlon like behavior I’ve been down this road. Carbon bars, forks and a modern gruppo and you mostly have a modern roadie!

I hear the smud guy doesn’t do any thing real fast. He’s a one man operation and I reckon he rivals my Berk combo in the shitty name game.

Farking awesome bike bra

I got a pair Of 35g Tolken skewers that got replaced by a set of dc14 tune items from Dan the man while I was in Melbs
I’ll sling em too you cheap if you wan’em

What’s awesome with it too, is you’ll get a little tanishing/oxidiation under the clear coat where you handle bike, which gives it a really nice patina/romantic emotional design thing happening. Only thing that could make it better would be if it’s in my size.

So sikkkk. Love the brazing being on show like that.

this is so hot, would look good with a head badge.

Totally forgot about the headtube badges! Must get one.

I met Daryl once. Super friendly guy. Heaps of stories too. I didn’t see any headbadges when I visited his work shop. Lots of decals and frame bits though. Could be worth giving him a buzz and seeing if he has any badges.

He’s got a phone number up here. Current as far as I’m aware. Same address as when I was there last year.

i got his number if you wan it

Paint the frame! Frame with this beauty deserves a nice paint! Wet looking single colour with chrome rear triangle. It’d be super ace!

I think those naked fillet braze welds look boss

Is it the same as on this page? Perkins Bicycle Frames Pty Ltd, Hughesdale VIC 3166 - Bikes - TrueLocal

I won’t rule out it getting painted at some stage, possibly black or silver. The frame never had a full chrome rear triangle either, only the dropouts were chromed.

You really don’t fuck around Juz, well done on another awesome bike. We need to go for a ride and talk work. I finally got an apprenticeship.