hi guys and gals, this is my first post and i love the site. iv been riding a fixie all day everyday since nov and slowly been completing my bike the way i want it.
my little drama i need help with is this…
my front chain ring is 52t and taking off at the lights yesterday the chain ring bent and colapsed under the force.
i need a new one but dont quite now what to get. i know i want a shorter crank my 170 is to long and i bottom out around corners.
what length crank would you recomend and how many teeth on the front chain ring?
52t is pretty massive. How many teeth does your cog have? You’d want a chainring considerably smaller.
You’ll find that a lot of people on here will recommend a gear at about 70 inches for general street use. I run 46x18 and it’s perfect… I’ve got a few hills, got some flats, I can stop.
Must have needed some sheer force to get you going at the traffic lights.
Crank length. Search function “Track Cranks” Traditional Track length is 165mm for Velodrome banks but also 167.5mm is used. or www.google.com that shit.
The ideal crank length depends on:
[li]leg length (shorter riders usually use shorter cranks),[/li][li]bottom bracket height (higher BBs allow longer cranks with no pedal strike), and[/li][li]what gain ratio you want (which in turn depends on things like how strong you are and how hilly your area is)[/li][/ul]
The ideal chainring size depends on:
[li]again, what gain ratio you want (which also depends on your sprocket, wheel, tyre, and crank sizes), and[/li][li]whether you skid or not (some ring/sprocket combinations have the same gain ratio but different numbers of skid patches; you can test out different combinations using Rabbit)[/li][/ul]
As a general rule a crank from 165-170 in length will be pretty good for the street. and a chairing between 42 and 48 should see you pretty happy depending on what cog your using.
If your bike is a conversion you’re going to have trouble with pedal strike. Track frames on the other hand have a higher bb to help get rid of this problem.
Oh and don’t worry bout Gypo he’s having some hormonal trouble.