Need surly steamroller owners help.

G’day all I am new to the world of fixie’s and i NEED HELP WITH MY NEW LOVE A 09 SURLY STEAMROLLER :evil:. I need a bottom bracket and cranks but i do not know what type to go for.
I come from a MTB background racing xc and enduros on a giant nrs2 and my other pride and joy, a Redline mono cog. The redline is my second ss to date.
The bottom bracket shell on the surly is 68mm wide,threaded English 1.37*24t. Please any help will do, the world or riding road is new to me. :smiley:

You’re beyond help. :evil:

With a 68mm BB shell and english threading, the BB and crank combinations are many. What’s your price range?

My price range is whatever the missus will let me get away with.
Up to $500 ish is what l have to play with.
Thanks for the help.

$500 and you can get what ever you want.
Basic cranks start from $80 new… and cheap BBs can be had for $20. (I’ve got some new basic cranks for sale here if you’re interested)

If you want to spend your allowance all at once and get top gear… go for Dura Ace track cranks and Dura Ace bottom bracket

sugnio 75 crank and BB if you don’t wana be silly
Sugino Grand Mighty and superlap BB if you do…

if you wana save some coin then any thing from this loot and the right BB would be fine!

Thanks all for the help.
This is like going to the ice shop, there are too many different flavours to choose from.

roselli also do a really nice bb/crank/chainring combo for that money, plus its isis drive, so finding bb’s for it will never be a problem

Got the LBS to get me a set of sugino gold ano cranks today. Man i cant wait to get them on and start riding.
Thanks all for your help.