new build - cranks, chainrings and painting

A mate is bringing the BB up this weekend from Melbourne so we’ll know on saturday. The plan is to build the whole thing this weekend with the help of an old malvern star, assuming the bb fits alright.

Build aborted.

Bottom bracket that I arrived was stuffed :x and wouldn’t work with my cranks anyway.

Have spent more money on the cranks than the frame, so have decided to sell the frame on ebay and look for a new one with a normal english thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shame mate…
I aborted my first build after spending money on all the parts to find out that they frame’s spacing on front and rear was very “original” and no hubs would fit it…
good luck on finding that frame :slight_smile:

well if you still need those long brakes for your new frame i found some:|66:4|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:200

Bought a Soma Rush frame (second hand) - hoping that it will be a much easier process now.