anyway, noticed this morning there was a bit of chain noise - but only when back pedalling (whilst the pedals keep moving forward if you get what i mean). now I understand that this is probably due to wear being different forwards to backwards but at work i noticed that my chain had a bit more slack in it than when I tightened it up before the ride this morning.
so, how easy is it for the wheel/axle to slide forwards when it has been tightened with a socket spanner? or am I stretching the chain (surely not?!).
It’s going to move. If you’ve got track ends on the rear buy a chain tug and use that to keep it in the right spot otherwise just keep tightening it every time you notice it getting loose.
Yeah just use one. Two makes it look like you don’t know how to adjust your chain. Best place to find cheaper ones is your lbs. Look the same as the mks but be a whole bunch cheaper.