Off the shelf big tyre road bikes.

For what it is worth, my 2011 blue casseroll takes 35mm tyres and guards.
Mine is fitted with mini v’s.

What Blakey said, why not just put a 1"threadless canti fork in the cx bike ?
Also how tall are you in cm?

salsa la cruz might tick the boxes too, tho you might have to wait for one to come along

My primate is quite literally everything you want. But is custom and out of the given price range.

Gonna say Rawland again just cos it makes sense.

I queried Anna of Rawland (sean’s wife manages the fulfilment side and is very quick to respond) about direct freight cost and it is USD257 now - there have been significant increases by fedex and UPS etc. So my MyUS approach is maybe cheapest. Still nowhere near what DLN not ZLTN would want.

My wife has a MyUS account. They have increased their prices recently.

Auspost have USA freight forwarding eh.

Not Ti 'cos fly?

You really should take my Soma ES for a ride. Cheap, well made. Paint is a bit thin but not ugly PC like a Surly.

Does look better with Thomson post & stem. And have taken that ridik Brooks saddle off and replaced with a sensible Sella Italia.
Has Grand Bois 28s on it now but was running it with Nomad ‘35s’ and was plush.

And me the ridik saddle and rubber.

I have to say that Rawland looks amazing.

This could be an option once the Kustom Kumo Rando arrives.

Wouldn’t Veloce be beneath you Dayne?
Wheels not for sale… Handbuilt Hopes to Synergys… Nope, not selling.

Ridik saddle going on that bright orange Gemini.
Rubber will fit on Baum#2 :wink:

And I thought lightly soiled rubber was a German thing


ah i thought it was athena silver

Yes UPS and FedEx that they use have all increased. But MyUS have the special with just actual weight not volumetric weight this month. Maybe it’s a bit hard to fill contracted volume just after Xmas

This is the most infuriating thread I have read in a long time.

Steel is real yo, even Tina Turner agrees.


You don’t visit BNA much eh…

Or VSalad or Paceline

No I make a point of it.