old people in the bike lanes NOT on bikes

Apparently some couriers carry a whistle around their neck. That’d be good for getting the attention of clueless pedestrians, but would also be a bit of a pain to use.

I bought the missus a battery-powered personal safety alarm from dick smith for ten bucks. I might get another one and rig up a button. 100db - it’s ear-splitting.

yeh, im surprised no-one else has taken up this line of thinking. i cant for the life of me figure out why running into the back of a bike is going to strip your hub. i ran into a car and everything is fine.

theres a high-level conspiracy going on here.

The cog wasn’t tight enough to begin with.

I ride down Flinder’s Lane alot, and the section between Swanston and Elizabeth is like an unofficial pedestrain walkway. You get all these people crossing the road without even looking, and what’s even worse are the fuckers who are walking in the middle of the road. And this is like at noon! I once had this pedestrian run straight into me like he was tackling me. Good thing there was a van next to me, or I would have been toast.

Divide and conquer. What good are bike lanes? As soon as you paint a stripe down the left-hand-side of a road, or down the middle of a footpath and declare it ‘shared’ for that matter, all of a sudden it’s a case of ‘you stay on your side! hey! you stepped on my side!’ and ‘if there’s no bike lane, you shouldn’t be on the road!’ and other petty crap. A gilded cage. Hey, no-one drives in the door zone anyway, let’s give it to cyclists!

If you ride faster than at a walking pace, on a shared footpath that has pedestrians on it, you’re asking for trouble. Sorry.

My ‘fsck them pedestrians’ moment this morning was the girl having a nice long suck on a fag before she got on a tram, flicking it onto the road as she got on. So there’ll be a nice big exhale of 2nd hand smoke for the other passengers when she sits down, as well as the whole littering and fire hazard shit. If only I was the kind of cyclist that rode past trams taking on passengers, I could have given her a kick, or thrown it back on the tram after her.


But such a nice morning for riding otherwise :slight_smile:

The cog wasn’t tight enough to begin with.

What about chain tension? Can a sudden ‘oh shit’ via a loose chain put more torque on a cog than it would othewise have to deal with?

The ‘Ipeds’ are the worst! Earphones in, volume up, oblivious to the outside world and that there are fast moving objects around them.

I don’t think so. If the cog is tight and the lockring engages the cog I can’t see how there can be a problem. Threads get stripped when the cog is not on tight enough, it unwinds a bit(usually from skidding I’m guessing) and backs up against the lockring, which won’t unwind. The only thing that can give is the threads.

I went through a crazy skidding period way back and never had any problems with cogs slipping.

Just before i ran into my friend i locked my pedals attempting to skid, herd a snap rode into the back of my mate and landed on my arse…

it was right before the crash took place my bike F#cked itself.

this could have been for a number of reasons BUT never the less it is threaded at the moment and i can’t do anything about it but buy a new hub/wheel.

Sounds like it’s more unthreaded now.

Tough lesson.

Make sure the cogs you use are wide enough for the lockring to engage properly. That’s not always the case with lower end cogs. Given that cogs tend to last quite a while and aren’t hideously expensive, I reckon it’s a no brainer to use good cogs like DA, Phil & EAI.

How did you afford the new undies?

That the best you could come up with?

You’ve changed.