that’s the burn
I thought you were better than that James.
No way! if you got a budget, used (but nice) parts mean that you can pour more money into the frame, and its the frame that will endure…its going to wear all sorts of different clothes in its lifetime. If no budget, yeah, max out all of it, everytime
Yeah but nah. If you can’t afford new parts for a made to order frameset then you should consider taking up walking instead of cycling, much cheaper recreational pursuit.
Then you can write articles bitching about how cyclists are taking over the shared paths with their crazy speeds.
I wouldn’t think this is such a black and white issue.
Parts can change. I’d be inclined to use the wheels and potentially the grouppo until I could buy something new. but it’s only ‘new’ once, and I couldn’t really give any shits to whether it is or it isn’t, as long as it functions well, and is well tuned in.
So you bought it already?!
If it makes you feel any better, at the start of next month I plan to drop double that on a a 2yo secondhand MTB that weighs not quite, but close to double what that bike does. Roadies are cheap. You want an expensive habit? Hit the dirt, and sit back and watch the price jack up.
1.2k with that kit is a bargain even if it is a chinese carbon frameset.
Not yet, but will decide on Sunday. Leaning towards the yes though. Have a private design commission coming in at the moment for the exact sum, for about a days work. Works out tidy.
Totally do it. If I was looking for a new bike, and had <2k to spare I’d have bought it by now & put the rest toward nice new shoes/kit/deep tubs.
I bash around on a $700 (five years ago) hand-me-down alloy roadie with 105 grouppo, love it to bits. 2nd hand road bikes are insanely cheap for the km’s you’ll get out of it.
And the shitter your bike is, the sweeter it feels when dishing out the pain to dentists on a Saturday morning.
So, had a geez at this this morning. At 7kg, it is prettty damn light compared to anything else I’ve owned.
Told him its a deal, will drop off the money tomorrow. Only thing it really needs is a nicer headset (chinese Neco on there now), though the one on there functions fine.
Looks nice, is nice. Wheels are sweet and true.
Seems like good buying.
Sick! Come join us for some morning rides?
Dengfu sent my frame with one of these neco headsets, works fine, never felt the need to replace it.
If you go easy to start with? But would love toget a good morning routine going (any excuse not to go for a run!).
Yeah the headset isn’t a priority. It does what it needs to. Just my upgraditis in combination with brandnameitis.
Ralpha wednesday rides have several bunches for various speeds. Our group for the other days is pretty quick but we’ll slow up for people to get back on.
Now to negotiate a place to put it in my apartment with the #housenazis.
Thinking this and the Frejus can both fit on a stacking bike stand in my bedroom.
as others have said, it definitely is for what you got!
nice one mate.
You are not allowed to carry an opinion passenger under 12 years old on a motorcycle in Qld
If you have running water next to you when you slice an opinion you will not cry
Cotter pinions were more reliable than bottom bracket crank bolts, but chewed more angles out