OT: Photographers - Focussing screens

I know there’s a few other photogs on here, serious and hacks (me) so I thought I’d throw this out there.

Has anyone tried replacing a focussing screen in their DSLR? Coming from a film background, I miss the microprism & split image rangefinder, getting accurate manual focus on a ground glass (that enhances DOF to a degree) is very difficult.

Katzeye make screens, ~USD$100++, but there are Chinese screens that have a good reputation, and fabrication/metering quality equal to Katzeye for USD$20-30 shipped so I’m tempted to try one of these first.

what camera? not all cameras have replaceable screens.

for $20-$30 what’s the worst that can happen. I like beattie screens. Camera Accessories - Morco Limited

I wish i had a camera with a replaceable screen - but the cameras that do have killer AF :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure yours isn’t replaceable? Mine’s a lowly D40 and can be changed.

What’s the worst? Probably scratching the screen or mirror in a moment of ham-fistedness.

I’m going to try the Chinese split image / microprism out. Beattie don’t do one for me, and they’re quite £££

You are correct sir. What i meant to say was, if i could see through my viewfinder i might replace it… Andy gave me a crack with his D700 and it was like looking through a shop window :smiley:

I’ve changed the focussing screen in my 5D a few times, and it’s pretty simple. As long as you take your time and follow the instructions you’ll have no problems. As for brands, I’ve just got Canon screens, so I can’t comment on 3rd party manufacturer’s products, sorry!

I had no idea you could do this. Totally awesome.