Police bosses fail on dooring death

Yup. My theoretical ramblings are not relevant because it seems that this will not ever make it to court anyway. Not without external pressure anyway.

Just to make this clear: I am not lusting for blood / wanting to see 60 yr old Mrs Richards in jail for the maximum punishment of 10 years. I do however feel strongly that this should be taken to court and dealt with. For the sake of clarity over who is to blame and in what amount in situations like this. Case law needs cases, and inattention = negligence in my book. Whether it warrants jail time / loss of license / suspended fines or whatever is to be left to a professional judge. Most definitely NOT to the ‘bosses’ at the Boroondara police station.

pretty sure every thread on here gets off topic at some point.

just doin my bit

completely agree

i also agree

Yep, thats the biggest worry.

I agree that something has to be done. It’s the old story of
Nobody was charged
No law was broken
∴ nothing bad happened.


it’s not a bad idea to think about having one of these things - http://www.amazon.com/Looxcie-Wearable-Bluetooth-Camcorder-Compatible/dp/B00400O8PO continuous video recording for 5 hours, automatic recording of last 30 seconds.

also, prosecuting any one person for opening their car door won’t change the long term behaviour of the general public.

some things that might are

  • including explicit references to/questions about dooring cyclists and punishments in the learner hazard perception test
  • education of children about caution in opening car doors as part of basic road safety education
  • stickers on the inside of taxi passenger doors reminding passenger to check behind before opening the doors
  • changes to the ADR’s requiring new cars to have two stage opening doors, or all cars with reverse parking sensors to have a separate function warning of approaching vehicles when the car is stationary
  • a wiggles song about opening your door a little bit, waiting, looking, then opening it all the way

her number plate and vehicle description is on the public record if some kind of justice was to be sought.
jus’ sayin’…

Given what happened in this instance, I don’t think anyone should be game to go within 100m of her. Because the bosses will come down with the vengenace of angry, scorned, hungover gods on anyone who so much as glares at her.

Better to try a FOI request about her relationship with that police station.

as crap as this is, i don’t think some vigilante action will solve anything.

I know some of the family, and if they are able to forgive and understand that should be respected.
Everyone agrees this is a crappy situation but apart from confirming that cyclists are the bottom of the ladder, we are not the victims.
End thread I say
