Possible pub sponsorship.

After speakign to them on Tuesday, they’re going install more bike racks out the front so it’s easier for all the hipsters to lock to the thicker poles out the front with our Mini D locks.

+1 on that, the wheaty sucks to lock your bike, and my euro doesnt like being mounted by a fuji! ps wheres my cap.

PLUS ONE for where’s my cap!

WWAAAHHH!! I was too chicken to race and now I don’t have a cap, wwwaaaaahhh!!

Call the Waaaahhhmbulance. :roll:

If the Wheaty pays for it, we can print more.

Farken tough guy!

bring on the cap reprint… they’re rad!

did you guys end up getting caps?
what are the wheatys busy times? im gonna check it out next week or so