post a pic of your latest purchase!

Where did you get that Azz

EvilBay Brah!!

Singlehandedly turning around the deficit !

mistake. the cheaper one is superior.

Which one Brendan?

This one.

Nikcee disagrees as do many others.

bah just ask bryce i snapped his DA one and the shimano one is the way to go

who’s not so pro with prose now…

we’re all getting ready for stage 1 of bright when i realised my helmet was still in melbourne… this was the morning after i left my shoes in the middle of buttfu*k no where for a pit stop on the way up there

Agreed: this is the FOA chainwhip of choice.

that’s the one.

how often do you think nik changes his cog?

the problem with the DA one is that it relies on your hand strength to keep the chain on your cog, whereas with the cheaper one the chain wraps around the cog, keeping it tight in its own loving embrace.

I own the cheaper one and agree with Brendan. The TL-SR22 cheaper one is newer design, whereas the DA one has been around for decades.

i like it so much i have two.

came in the mail today, granted just heading into summer but when i stumbled on it thought it was such a good idea that i had to click the ‘buy’ button (or whatever buy is in swedish, or whatever scandinavian country they’re from)

getting excited with all these presents, its starting to feel like christmas… then i realise I bought these for myself and get slightly depressed

My ninja chain whip tool has been re chained with njs super toughness gold chain
It totally rules even for 11 speed cassttes

I haz dis ones with da Izumi NJS upgrade.

Chain whip porn? Pics or it didn’t happen.

Wait, what?? You forgot your helmet AND lost your shoes in one weekend!!! Not pro(se) Genie…

+1 on the shimano chainwhip

My new fyxamatosis kit came todayh and wasnt even allowed to open and peek… sux bad.

Speaking of pics or it didn’t happen,
Wheres Camoshop (knuckle tatts)

And the pics of mckennys dirty pedo mo!!