Preston CC Summer Track Racing

Lifted from the Preston CC flyer handed out at DISC last night…

Starting 3rd November, Preston CC will be running track racing at Andrew’s reserve in Reservoir:

Kidz Clinic: Every Saturday from 12 noon to 2pm.
All kids welcome to come along and learn cycle racing skills. Parents are encouraged to come along. A $5.00 license fee covers each child under 14 years for a full year including insurance.

Club Racing: Every Saturday as of 3rd Nov. at 2pm
People aged 14 to adults can obtain a “Ride-it” license for $45.00. This allows members to train and race in club only events and provides insurance cover for races and training.

Golden Oldies: Ride at the track each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning 8:00am to 10:00am. Provides exercise, fitness and social interaction.

Standard club fees are $35 per year. For under 19s and students the first year is free.

Club Rooms: Corner Fordham and Cuthbert Streets, Reservoir.
Club Meetings: Held first Monday of each month at 7:30pm.

Contact information on the CSV club list.