Hello All,

I am really keen on this bianchi jersey…

and was just wondering if anyone has bought from this website before and if so what was the delivery like etc…


PBK is as efficient as Wiggle in my experience.

PBK is A1. Go for it.

Just not free shipping

Back in the day (couple of years ago), PBK was the only online shop worth using, but then they got expensive for some reason, and Wiggle got cheaper… well that’s the impression anyway…

I still think PBK > Wiggle. Dunno why though.

i think wiggle got the upper hand by stocking a bigger range of lower-end stuff. probably made a killling in the financial crisis.

i think the wiggle pages are a bit easier to navigate too.

i used to use PBK to buy my tires for my roadie…they used to be dirt cheap even with the postage

Wiggle is cheaper because they buy all the stock available to them at a reduced cost and can afford to to pass the cost onto it’s customers.

PBK prices are reasonable, it’s just some items on Wiggle are so dam cheap

From the look of it, they have a stack of them. Give it another week and they’ll drop the price even more. They always do.

both are cheap and fast but Wiggle has the bonus of free shipping for orders over AU$90 plus they charge you in AUD so you don’t get stung by the bank for a currency conversion

I stopped using pbk as they never have stock. too annoying.

Its not hard to get over the free shipping mark at wiggle. There’s always tires etc that are needed to pad out an order.

I’m sick of PBK advertising an item (say bibshorts) at 90% off , but then only having the XXXL in stock ! Screw that.

True about PBK never having stock. The website is impossible to navigate as well.

I’m becoming a bit of a ChainreactionCycles fan these days. No free shipping, but the prices are cheaper than Wiggle so it makes up for it. And they have a MUCH better selection that Wiggle.

Ribble are pretty good too!

Yeah, but how many got stung with credit card fraud like me earlier this year after shopping at Ribble? I’m really hesitant to go back :stuck_out_tongue:

only ever shopped at wiggle online and was touched up for a coupla hunge from singapore. pia.