Reader's Choice Awards aka Bike of the Year 2015

Gotta go with this triple triangle 3Rensho.

Ragy’s Dale

I said in the original thread it was probably the best Colnago build I’d seen on the forum and I stand by my comment. His Rossin and 3rensho deserve honourable mentions - all off the charts.

nzkiddo’s Colnago Master Pursuit

I can’t say no to a nago.
as above, nzkiddo’s Colnago Master Pursuit

For the record, a foa member no long owns the vivalo i posted (i passed it onto a mate cos too small).

I’d steal the Colnago before the Rensho.

Bike of the year? Easy, this:

too nice

Reminds me of my old alloy GT tarck.

Cant go past that

And the winner of the FoA Reader’s Choice aka Bike of the Year for 2015 is…

Kreyziest’s Cannondale Track!

Well done Kreyziest, you’ve got some sweet Sadio hubs coming your way thanks to our friends at Saint Cloud. There certainly were some quality builds completed last year which made voting difficult, as it should!

Random voter prize to be drawn later today.

Kreyziest’s Cannondale Track - 11 votes
alibi’s Szekeres - 6 votes
nzkiddo’s 3Rensho and CGMarshall’s Nagasawa - 5 votes

Now, the lucky winner of a pair of Creux denim shorts and cap is…


(Post #42 -

Well played Granger, I’ll be in touch to get you the goods.

Wow that’s awesome! thanks for the vote guys and PIN20 for putting this up!

Good job man, beautiful bike, real classic and seemingly endlessly close to people’s hearts.

Awwww yisssss


Can a friendly mod please sticky this thread?

And maybe un-sticky all the past winners.


So now that’s all said and done, can I get some feedback as to how to get more people participating? Only 40-odd votes is pretty disappointing. I put up some prizes with the intent of getting more people voting, but that didn’t seem to work.

Yes, I know everyone (except me) has moved on to CX/gravel grinders/tourers etc, but do we no longer appreciate track/tarck bikes?

So if you didn’t vote, why didn’t you?

I know it’s completely against everything we stand for but best “bike” would draw more participation rather than “track”.

I didn’t vote. No real reason for that, sorry. I was surprised you drew the results bang on new years, maybe wait a week next time and drum up some discussion. The lack of back and forth on the voting page was a downer, maybe a separate thread for banter etc might be an idea.

And maybe 2 prizes next year. One for fixed in keeping with foa roots, and one for “other” to take in the varied interests of the foa commentariat.

the dream is alive

My meme-riddled Internet Attention Span is now so short that taking the time to sincerely assess the relative merits of competing bicycles is basically impossible.

Not to say the bike builds aren’t amazing (I esp. liked Henri’s Clamont, nzkiddo’s 3Rensho & alibi’s Szekeres) but my internet time is 98% by phone these days, which means a lot of skimming through instagram and not much forum reading.