Reviews Howto - STICKY

For now, we are implementing some new controls on the FOA Review thread, including the following:
Review threads will be moderated to ensure they contain reasonable information
Replies to posts are restricted to follow up questions regarding review
Reviews are the opinion of the user and not of the FOA website
These rules are enforced by the forum software. If you think you have a good reason to make an exception, please PM a mod or admin for help.

Follow the format below, and include any other relevant information.

Include as much information as you can, particularly including brand/model/size/dimensions, etc - that’s important to prospective buyers of the item/product. No reviewing items for other people. No shops or companies reviewing their own gear or product.

How long used:
Where used:
What similar product have you used:
50 word minimum.

If you have any questions or problems, PM a mod or admin. Top reviews will be posted on the frontpage.