Riding in Sydney

It’s been ages since I’ve been on here but does anyone know if anyone hosts weekly rides in Sydney anymore? Years back there used to be SSS on Sundays starting at Martin place and the Wednesday night ride. What’s on?

No weekly fixed rides anymore. I can’t speak for everyone, but monthly gravel rides with gears and brakes are a better fit with grown-up jobs, kids, and living in the suburbs.

Yeah, same boat here.

If everyone that asked if there were fixed rides pooled their resources and organised something you’d have 5-10 people for a weekly ride.

^^ All valid points.

Few people have asked here, make a facebook group/event. You may even see some of us jaded ones come along.

Oath to ride
Biblical fixies

All now have gears or have stopped riding…

would anyone be keen to try and organise something? sunday arvo ride

Most of Skidsyd moved to Melbourne

Definitely change of scenery - knees have gotten old. My last group ride was on a motorbike. Would like to start riding fixed street again. I have a few mates that still ride fixed, but our schedules just don’t match up - or maybe just too lazy. I live in Leichhardt if you want to give me a nudge to ride… can do Wednesday nights.

i might make a facebook event for a few weeks time on a weekend. ill post it here. would be good to get some people together again for a ride.

im out on most weekends around the city. hit me up if you’re keen for a ride

good to see you guys got together

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These children did nothing wrong.

They had a permit!

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