I am looking to upgrade my wheelset, but i’m not sure whether to go with deep v’s or aeroheads. The deep v’s look like they would be stronger, but the aeroheads are lighter. I can get both at about the same price, so what do you guys think. Has anyone had experience with either that would suggest one is better than the other?
Light wheels are nicer to ride, and deep v’s are OVAH! Go the aeroheads.
if you have some masochistic need to by velocity, look at the razor rim.
very similar to a mavic open pro.
pinned, welded, eyeletted rim, reasonable weight, good side walls.
best of all is to go to a mavic rim. either an open pro (by far the best general road rim out there), or one of the CXP rims.
Deep V’s are heavy, unwelded, uneyeletted, and the side walls can be a bit special if you are running rim brakes.
similar comments about the aerohead, but they are a far better general road rim than the Deep V.
What they said.
Deep Vs are crap. Open Pros or DT Swiss RR1.1s are a great choice and similarly priced.
If budget is critical, get Velocity. But be aware that good wheels make a huge difference. I’d cut some corners elsewhere first.
Ok, thanks for the help. Looks like if i remain poor i’ll have to go with the velocity’s, but perhaps i will save up and get the dt’s or open pros. From all the other people i have asked open pros are clearly the best rated so i’ll keep my eyes open for a cheap pair. Thanks again.
Deep V’s aren’t crap. They are fine for what they are… cheap, solid and good for the street. Lots of us ride them with no complaints. They were a great upgrade from the truly crap wheels I had previously.
Sometimes you just have to get what you can afford/what’s available at the time.
Deep V’s are indeed not exactly crap.
however they aren’t the be all and all that people seem to think they are.
they are a very basic, very simple rim.
and it continues to amaze that they have the street cred and reputation that they do.
how often have you seen Deep V’s built onto a set of phil hubs?
it drives me nuts that people will spend a fortune on the rest of their bike and then stick recycled beer cans on there as rims.
it’s one more thing to get annoyed about when i see people build bizzare setups.
velocity make some very good rims. they make some rims that are as good as anything on the market.
as i mentioned before, the razor and aerohead rims are much better quality, just as strong and are lighter.
the very minor increase in cost (less than $15 per rim in most cases) is hugely outweighed by the improved quality of the rim.
considering the slight money difference, who wouldn’t go with rims worth having?
it’s not a case of cost or availability most of the time, it’s just what people are told is good.
OK so I sounded a bit harsh, but this is what I really meant.
You’ll be glad to know I dismantled a Phil/Deep V wheelset last year Although, Des’ wheels with the polished Vs do look good.
Deep Vs are good if you can get them cheap. Otherwise, I think there are better options.
Sadly, I think the main reason they’re so popular is because they come in a range of colours.
In case you’re wondering, I’ve owned 3 sets of Deep V wheels (one of which I still have) and I have 700c wheels with Open Pros, DT RR1.1, CXP33 and FIR rims too (which are all good), so I am ‘evaluating’ Deep Vs at least with some experience
Also note that the above mentioned wheels were won at the Melbun Roobiax so I did not have a say in what rim I got. For Velocities, I’d much prefer aero or aeroheads … otherwise open pros by Mavic. Only because I prefer the look of lower profile rims and they are lighter.
This is not to say that DeepV is crap. I’ve ridden mine for over a year and they perform great. No complaints.
ok, thanks for all the help guys. Now i have some idea what to look out for.
Three years riding and never needing to be trued is enough street cred for mine.