Road Rides Around Canberra

People generally include Paddy’s River Rd and Cotter or Uriarra Rd while down that way, but Paddys River Rd may suck bad with heavier than normal Easter traffic visiting Corin or Tidbinbilla.
A good alternative is to go past Apollo Rd (the road up to Honeysuckle), continue down Boboyan Rd and turn right at Orroral Rd and head to the old telescope site at the end (Google maps shows the road going further than you can access). There’s a nice little pinchy climb (Fitz’s Hill) on Boboyan Rd before the turn off.
If you start at Tharwa and take in both Apollo and Orroral Rd it’s about 75km return with a decent amount of climbing.

That looks pretty good to me especially as we pretty much cant get lost. If we are still up for more after that we can always head towards Corin.
Thanks mate!

Marc, what time are you looking start riding?

Not 100% sure yet as we drive up on the day. I am guessing 11am-ish.

Cool, might be a bit late for me but I’ll reply if anything changes.
Should a cracker of a day though!

I’m gonna do a mixed ride on Sunday in the Urriara/Wee Jasper area, checking out some roads I’ve been wanting to ride for a while. 130ks (40 on gravel), 1700m elevation. Likely start 7am from Civic. Anyone?