Singles and glass

So I have been commuting on singles for a bit now and got my first flat on Friday night after a few sherbets at the Mountain goat. No pit stop in my bag so I road from Carlton gardens back to Flemington and a dead flat tyre. I thought to myself that I will give the Geax TNT pit-stop stuff a go and didn’t really care too much for the tyres condition when I gat there.
I pulled the huge chunk of glass out and put 30ml of MTB solution in through the valve core. Then hit it with the compressor.
Solution squirted across the workshop and bubbled all the way around the side walls where I had pretty well stuffed the inner of the tyres.
There was also 2 other pretty big holes that pissed out shit every where.
Then much to my surprise the fucker sealed up.
The big hole was 8mm long on the surface and it still sealed.
Absolutely amazing.
From now on every tyre I have get this stuff before I ride on it.


I use Vittoria Pitstop. Just a little aerosole can to carry in the back pocket. Seals MOST punctures enough to get me home from where ever I am. Sometimes needs a top up with a Co2 canister.

People are scared of tubs but once you start using them you realise they’re not too bad.

i’m about to have dan build up my first set of singles (for the road bike…), and threads like this are very reassuring…

so whats in that pitstop junk, space filler?

how long will it last?

whats the average life span of a tubey?

The Vittoria pitstop in a can has a latex like product that vulcanizes in contact with the air.
The Geax MTB pit stop solution has little particles that hep seal bigger holes.
The Vittoia is for carrying in case of a flat.
The geax is put in prior and designed for MTB tubeless tyres.
I was only using $40 Strada’s so not really expected to offer much protection


Vittoria Pitstop is great, 95% of my flats can be fixed with this can alone. The other 5% are when the tyre is destroyed beyond repair (>10mm holes).

I have used ‘stans sealant’ in my training tubulars, by removing the core and filling up with some fluid, sadly though, due to the higher pressures it will onyl fill smaller holes.

The PITSTOP will last for 6months, before eating away the inside of the tyre carcuss. From about month 3 onwards, the casing will soften, and you can feel that you need to replace the tyre.

Brendan, what rims have you got for the build? I’ve mulled over going that way myself given some of the nice older low profile tubular rims that come up for sale from time to time.

Maybe some of that Vittoria stuff in a can could be used on the roof at DISC to stop the **&%$###leaks!


i’m getting some ambrosio cronos, for race wheels.

not sure what tires yet - any suggestions, anyone?

What? Just for track?

nope, the road. thought the shamals were a bit heavy to race on. there are some hills out there in the northern combine…

there are some hills out there in the northern combine

I know, I grew up there riding my Malvern Star racer.

For Northern Combine only use Conti Gatorskins IMO. You’ll have no trouble.

What rims are you building?

those ones they use on MASH!

Woops, missed the part where you mentioned Ambrosio.

my serotta probably weighs the same as that malvern star.

i’ve been a long-time lover of the gatorskins. happy to hear they come in tubs…

The tubs are a little different to the clinchers but still have good protection. The rolling resistance is slightly more than say a GP400 tub but with the pressures you can ran it doesn’t make too much difference.

You first have to finish to finish first.