STOLEN - White On-One Pompino - North Fitzroy, Melbourne

Location: Locked up (with a kryptonite evo mini) outside my place on St Georges Rd in North Fitzroy between the Edinburgh Gardens and Scotchmer St, North Fitzroy.

Time: Between 10pm on Tuesday March 25 and 8:30am Wednesday March 26.

Description / Details: Small-size on-one pompino frame. White with pink decals. Pink v-brakes. Silver Phil Wood high-flange hubs laced to silver deep v’s. Sugino 75’s. Risers. Rolls saddle.

I’ll try to find some pics this morning to put up.

Pretty impressed they managed to get through a krypto without waking my housemates.

Totally bummed, can’t afford a new ride. Gimme a buzz on o 4 o o o 9 5 5 3 1 if you hear anything or see my bike in cash converters.


good luck, sounds pretty identifiable.

Can loan you a ride if you need eh. PM if you want.

yeah sucks, ive seen this bike around while i was working and have given it looks like DAAAAAAMN.


I was eating ramen on Smith St on Friday and some dero rode past on it. Ran out of the restaurant, chased the bloke down and got it back after offering to call Fitzroy Police to clarify the report I made. Massive win. Can’t believe it.

Bike is in pretty good nick too - tires were flat, seat and brakes had been moved around and hold-fast straps removed but other than that tip top! Boom!


…and everyone lived happily ever after.:slight_smile:

max_p, that’s awesome. Happy you got your ride back.

And in the most epic way too haha. That must’ve felt sweet. Good result, well done.

Holy cow.
That’s a massive joy! Congrats!

mmmmmmmmmmmmm Ramen

This is a great story.