Strong V Track Grips

Need to get some new Strong V grips but can’t find any for sale in Australia online. Anybody know somewhere that sales them here? The shipping costs from US are crazy.

BTW - I’m in Adelaide.

I have a virtually new pair of Strong G, which are now out of production and much rarer than the newer ‘V’ grip. Has a really nice textured pattern. I only used them for a couple of rides and that’s it.

If you want them they’re yours for $20 posted.

Thanks, but I’m committed to the Strong Vs. Tokyo Fixed Gear was the best place to buy but now it appears they are having trouble taking orders online, according to their site.

dont bike express sell them? i am pretty sure i have seen them over in that cabinet on the far right eastern wall of the shop? on 2nd thought they may have been champ grips.

Nah, they’re Soyo’s.

like these?

oh wait but im not allowed to trade…

got them from a place called blue lug in tokyo when i was there. they have a web store not sure if the shipping would be worth your while though.