Swap Meet + Disco !!!!

Yep, night time swap meet (under cover, limited spots available) + Disco …BYO & free to come along.
6pm Sat. 12th of March !!

Oh yeah … post here for the FOAMafia combined swap meet space. It’ll be free and you can bump in together. If you have a lot to sell and want your own spot (ie 2.3m x 5m space) it’ll be $10 - must reserve: ben@spirito.com.au

The bump in time for unloading is 4pm to 5:30pm (strict) - there’s free street parking from 6pm all around the area and unload time will be from 11pm onwards (that means your locked in). The swap met area is a vacant carpark so it’s weather proof (no car will be in there - duh), and you’ll have to provide your own table if you need one.

The swap area is adjacent to the workshop/outdoor/disco area … trying to organize a food vendor (feel free to shoot me suggestions if you know someone that caters for all taste’s (vegan & vego) & is professional + cool people’s :wink:

I’m in! I’ll have a few bits n bobs to move.

I’ll be there (to hang / drink beer)

… and shuffle !!! :wink:

It’s not 2008 anymore ha ha…

In, keen for a beer and to enter my third FOA chapter.

Would’ve loved to! Had a blast at the last one, but unfortunately I’ll be sinking into an Onsen in rural Japan around this time.

Great, I’m in with a few parts in a FOA space.


*unless my wife is working, which we won’t know until a week before.

I’ll come along.

Me too. Sad to be missing out, but I guess I’ll be having an ok time

I’d be there if I wasn’t going to be in New Zealand. Nek time bro!

Next weekend homies … there’s a big weekend of events. All free and you’re all welcome :wink:

Lots of fun stuff !!

Getting slightly excited.

Hi Guys,

Just following up with you prior top the Swap Meet - Disco this coming Saturday evening. Please read through the following notes so you know what to expect and can plan for the evening :wink:

  • unloading and set up time for stall holders is between 3:30pm to 5:30pm, it’s a lane way, entry is tight and it’s not gonna be easy. I suggest you pull up, empty, park your car and then unpack/set up. After 5:30pm any stuff you may wish to bring in will have to be carried in and there won’t be anywhere near there to park/unload.

  • the swap area is in an undercover car park next to the workshop

  • it’s lit with overhead flourescent lights but best bring a torch/bike headlight in case the light is not even under your spot (the light is generally even)

  • the spot for each vendor is about the same as a car spot (about 2.2m x 5m) - give or take

  • you won’t be able to have your car with you (unless it’s Fiat Bambino tiny)

  • street parking in the area is free/no metered tolls after 6pm - plenty around

  • there are no tables or chairs so if you’d like one I suggest bring your own

  • each vendor spot is $10 payable via paypal (cicli.spirito@gmail.com) prior to the event.
    Send payment now as spots are getting tight and I’d rather lock you in instead of turning others away. If you cancel 24 hours prior I’ll refund the $10 … Foa Mafia get one spot free :wink: holla if you’ll think you’ll need an extra spot !!!

  • i’d like to keep it grass roots/personal selling. A few of you are in the bike Biz but I know will be bringing personal stuff (not trade or wholesale stuff).

  • I’ve set aside a few spots for random sellers/small items. I’ll make sure you guys get the prime spots.

  • i’ll conclude the swap meet about 10:30 or 11pm, we’ll still have the party going but by then there’ll be enough room to shuffle a few cars around and pack down/empty

  • there’s a toilet inside the back of my workshop

  • we’ll have some ice in a big tub so feel welcome to BYO

  • we’ll also have a food vendor for the evening but of course byo food/drinks if you wish

  • any leftover parts/bikes etc can be left outside my workshop and we’ll either junk it or give to people who may want the stuff

  • there should be garbage bins inside the swap area so to make my life easier it’d help if you clean up any mess before you leave.

  • bring change !!! It’s amazing how many sales go missing because you don’t have the correct change and buyers only carry big notes.

  • it helps to price or label things so to help generate more sales

  • hopefully we’ll all be done & gone by midnight but who knows :wink:

It’s early days but for the most i’d like to see how things go and hopefully generate some interest so that we can hold such events every 6 months or so.

Look forward to catching up with you all :wink:
Shoot me an email if any questions - i’ll be a little hectic between now and Saturday !!


Oh … if anyone wants to com early and help you’re more than welcome … will give hugs, maybe coffee too :wink:

Pumped, bringing an interstate mate

Any luck on cuisine for the vegana’s? (the gf) :smiley: