Sydney Sundays

G’day all,

Fairly new to fixed, and back to road cycling. I know its a fairly Melbourne based .com but there does seem to a few Sydney-siders about.

Just putting a couple of feelers out, of who would be interested in a cruizy sunday ride/coffee in and around Sydvegas?

I did come on board a bit late to catch the Le tour of Sydney.

Let me know, message or email,

Cheers EV

Thought there might’ve been some response…?

I’m starting around Centenial Park tommorow morning (sunday) about 630-7AM.

Any takers, I’m the lanky-one on the fixed Specialized Langster.


Sorry i didnt see that…I would be interested for Sunday-riding thingo.
But I locate in Ryde area … centenial park is abit far for me to ride or drive for every sunday.

Where abouts are you?

G’day Dub,

What are you doing up so early? Yeah centenial pk is a bit of a hike for me to, I live at Beecroft.

From what I could see, there used to be a saturday morning ride for a couple of weeks starting off in Martin Place, but I missed them and since then theres not much happening.

Only thing I do like about the pk is the lack of vehicles, nice and early!



Another recommendation would be Bicenntial park in Homebush which isnt that far.
Oh beecroft aye? hehe I used to live up the hills and moved down to Marsfield recently.

Yeah that does sound good, even around Syd Olympic Park there?

What you riding at the moment? Saw you were asking about a ‘Langster’ over in post-your-ride thread. Great ride, currently on a '07 model.

Road frame with track gear hehe…
its old school luggy frame thats about it.

The SATURDAY Breakfast Rides are becoming pretty regular.

7:00 am, Martin Place GPO

See you there.

See u there if i go out on firday night might as well stay till next morning. hehhe

Does sound good if I can shake this bloody flu… I dare say I’d cough a lung up before we left Martin Place!!!

Those flu r bloody nasty… Take care EV.

7am for a bike ride? whew. if you message the last thing you wanna do is wake up that early to ride. i bet more kids would come out if it was say 10am? maybe?

yeah, its a bit of a trade off for times… starting at 10 means a day committment, but finishing at 10 means a free day for… uh…more riding :slight_smile:
man its good to be out in the sunshine though, hooray for spring.

Hey guys,
anyone still up for these Sunday rides??

Felt like sticking my head out to say im up for them.


The other Regular Sydney ride is from Martin place at 7 on a Saturday if you’re interested Huey. I’ve not actually made it along myself, but I hear there are people with bikes and they ride them places and stuff. You may need someone else to confirm this though :stuck_out_tongue:

I am up for it…

Yep, still alive, and yep, still haven’t made it to a Saturday ride either. Just got out of hospital after surgery to get a piece of wood removed from my thumb, the little bugger went in one side ,straight through and poked out right next to my nail ,choice!!

I suppose thats what you get for being a chippie…

Still up for sunday rideee???

I sawwww a red MIYATA in UNSW octoberfest…Was gonna leave a note but dun have paper and pen :S. By anychanceeee is anyone from here??

Twas miiiiiiiiiiiinnneee I tells ya!

Nothing like a bit of drunken pushie to get you round town quick and cheap :mrgreen:

The Miyata has even spent night locked up out the front of clubs in the cross to be collected the next day, all still intact.