The Cargo Bike thread


Or the Mum Thread?

Demo e-Omnium for sale at dutchcargobike. I’ve ridden this bike. It was fun.

Check this out: Felt Brühaul cargo ebike. No real specifics yet, but they reckon it’s about US$5k…

One of the dads at our school has one of these

Looks the goods for carrying two youngish kids. Eldest kid gets to help with the pedalling.


Whoa. I can only imagine that would suck massively.

New bike day.


Nah, clincher.

Farkineh! PAPOYAYLP plz.

Selling the bakfiets tomorrow… Just didn’t get enough use.

Good move.

And it’s going to a workmate of rcoh’s who is apparently a bikedork like the rest of us, so that’s a winner.

Yessir. Just waiting for this morning to take some proper pics

Everyone loves a Spicy Curry.



Loaded some precious cargo in the bike trailer today for the first time.

The Wolverine did the job well, even in SS mode. Glad the trailer has one of those flexible spring attachments, no need to worry about a kick stand for the bike, just lay it on its side on the grass and it’s not going anywhere.

Just be careful on bumpy terrain and off camber corners. They can tip.

…and off jumps, Geoff.

Looks interesting, Shimano STePS powered Bullitt.