The Hipster Train...

Sick trispokes…


This is the real version of a hipster train

look at those hipster homos conga…

I almost did not recognise you there CraigC. You must have lost some weight recently.

You tell me Tristan, you were the one who couldn’t keep your hands off me, bigboy!!!

where was this, did u take the photo or just found it on the interwebz?

Are you nervous?


That one at the front kinda looks like XbrendanX …

he doesn’t have my sweet tanlines.

The fixed-gear hipster dodged a bullet here. For once, a journo not doing any (real) research worked out ok :wink:

I’m actually picking up my first pair of glasses tomorrow. Black frames none the less. :sunglasses:

Must have been a slow news day to write a piece of crap like that.

Agreed. Rubbish article.
I’m considering the Herald Sun… seriously :expressionless:

I had amazing ones I got in Japan, Similar to Wayfarers in shape, but the frame snapped when I came off my bike. I now have some sweet clear to fade ones (same shape) and my 1950’s Aluminium ArtCraft frames.

Shit! I just re-read that article and realised I’m ticking all the boxes (played in bands, ride a Malvern Star)…

Well call me a hipster.

mufuckers jacking my steez.

dumb article for sure. but he does have a point. i’m sick of dipshits asking me if my glasses are “real”. some stupid arsehole actually jammed their greasy finger into my glasses a while back before asking if they were real.
and now that you can buy clear-lensed black frames at American Apparel and Danerfield the shark has well and truly been jumped.
i’ll just have to separate myself by telling everyone how expensive mine were…

I wonder what ‘Dånerfield’ would stock … like a cross between Ikea and Dangerfield
[right]not having a go, I just think sometimes typos happen for a reason[/right]

Dude, fucking Sportsgirl started selling oversized black plastic frames with clear lenses. :roll: Hating life.

Anyway, it’s all about the fucking Bill Haverchuck frames.

Fuck yeah.

sadly these glasses are a lot harder to pull off than black frames. they’re just one-too-many days facial hair away from “kiddie-fiddler who lives with his mum”
