The "How's your garden?" thread

Rose bushes. Fucking rose bushes everywhere!

Birdseye chilli, I had one for 5 years. Used to drop most of it’s leaves during winter and come back strong in spring. Great ornamental as well.These dry really well too.

Oh yeah, four guava trees (three in the front yard, one in the back… Neither of us eat guavas) a lemon tree and a nectarine tree. Did I mention all the rose bushes!!!

Yeah, but what about when they’re not flowering?

You prune them and fertilise them about now , so they will flower

Nah, ripping them out. There are so many, and we don’t want any of them.

not much of a green thumb myself, but this is my missus’[u]


Oi man, someone graffed your wall… :wink:

basterds! actually, they asked nicely first.

Then leave the ground fallow for a year, and dig in plenty of compost and such. Planting straight away after removing roses without reconditioning the soil will see your new plantings struggle. That is unless of course you are scraping with a machine and back filling with loam.

bought some loofah seeds on the weekend…
gonna try and grow then sell to people at work as “organic, local grown back cleansers”

I’m like the Adelaide Dereck Trotter.

Surprised mr blake hasnt gone to town on this thread… or it might be that he isnt supposed to be doing as much as he is :wink:

We have a GIANT olive tree. benzy reckons its about 30-40years old and we got about 5L of olives from it with very little effort (and without really making a dent on what was on the tree). still working out our jarring techniques though…

tonnes of rosemary (so much that we pulled 1/2 of it out), and have recently planted garlic, coriander, chard, peppermint, parsley (against my better wishes) and something else i cant remember.

we have a large rose bush that creeps up one of the columns out the front that i would be rid of (ive been attacked by the thorns and im convinced it will cause a puncture on someones bike) but does look neat when it flowers.

oh and a rad lemon tree that hangs over from our neighbours that they dont seem to be interested in :wink:

plans are afoot for a bed that was just freed up…

this weekend would’ve been perfect to get this underway, but i was lazy and then dirty deeds happened and then i was drunk


New semi raised beds being planned, grass to be dug up and extra soil added. Beds in background are full of brassicas, rainbow chard and a ton of garlic

Previous efforts involved turning paver crates into large raised beds

I’m far from qualified to be contributing to this thread, but last year Mrs P!N2 and I made some self watering planter boxes as our back yard is concrete. We’ve had a reasonable amount of success with spinach, capsicum, cherry toms, and basil.

Because I’m the laziest gardener ever, they’re ideal as I just have to refill the reservoir once a week, easy!

We’ve been a bit slack over winter (thanks to bub), but Mrs P!N2 got stuck in a few weeks back and got some carrots in, and the broccoli seems to be kicking on.

I’ll post some pics when I remember.

Paging Rolly!

hahaha read my mind mate!!

was gonna txt lyndon about this today :slight_smile:

^ Gardening advice will only be dispensed on the receipt of more citrus cake.

Blakey are those raised bed frames held together with metal strapping or something?
Where do you get something like that?

Are they pre-made?