The small joys today thread (a bit of Yang for FoA Yin of late)


My Garmin said the average temp over 5 hours was 3 degrees. It was only 0.4 when I left the house. I think I described it as “fucking cold”.

NASJ: Breaking a pedal.

SJ: Breaking a pedal ~50 metres from my house, after riding 100km.

you spelled brake correctly.

Too much powwwerrr??

Man, it was 8 degrees briefly this morning and i nearly didn’t go on my ride.

Nah too much of a good time. It couldn’t take it any more.

Raced at the track today and actually enjoyed it. Normally I put too much pressure on myself but today was different.

Any results worthy of a zinger?

Massive Joy: 30hrs til i board a plane for (sunny) England, chasing the Sun and arriving in the arvo on the same day.
NSJ: Doing it with our 16 month old.

Dug is taking them all for himself. I could only manage a cheeseburger. Can’t complain considering how little I have been riding :slight_smile:

Haha, and without a disc! #dadlyf has allowed you to taper perfectly into the meet. Well done, mate.

SJ: Tearing up the D-floor at a rad club in Nagoya with old and new M8’s and getting the first train home
NSJ: My hangover

Off for three weeks to walk the Larapinta and relax in central oz. Gonna be so good. We need it too, both knackered from work/study this year.

See yas later! :wink:

Another fun day on the bike with Steph.
Took my single speed out to Mt Pleasant and she had fun bombing around on her roadie.
Paths on the way back again too.
She’s smart, into bikes and hell-of-a navigator too.

Got it just in time


Get it back up to 8-10 degree C and you’ll be sorted. Anything colder than that and you’re losing out in the aroma and flavour department.

SJ:First ride over 100k’s in forever along with two top dudes. Saw some beautiful countryside and it was dead quiet for a lot of the ride.

NSJ: Total lack of conditioning and bonking the hardest I ever have on a bike, the struggle was very real.

SJ: sitting down after a busy sunday afternoon to the frostiest beer and eating burger rings. I see we’re on the same page Rhys!

^ shit man did you bonk on your way back?

Adz and I were pretty much touch and go re bonking. Pretty close but we ended up ok.

just submitted my final assignment for this certificate iv i’ve been studying. last class is tomorrow.

can’t say it’s my finest work, but i’ve been submitting things for the entirety of the course that’s been way higher than the level required, so i’d say it’s definitely a case of zero fucks at this point.

still better fucking pass though!!

Good work Rolls.

Yeah man I was in the hurt locker big time. Pretty much from the top of fairlight rd to home I was so out of it. Had to stop a few times and rest…the three sisters was not pretty.

I came here to post almost exactly the same thing.

Decided riding 100k’s on the track bike would be good even though I’ve only done 150kms in the last 4 weeks. Had a great time till the 60km mark averaging just over 30km/hr. Slowed a bit from there then hit 70km hard with a double quad cramp. Rested for 2 mins then had 2 more double cramps within the last 10ks back (walked the last 2 inclines). The SJ is that I dug deeper than ever before to make it back then had beer and onion rings at Tippler’s tap with Em and a friend.

Big SJ: I’ve had on and off back pain issues which turned to constant pain. Seems to have cleared by paying attention to good posture at all times and sleeping on my back, will go to a physio to get advice and exercises to help prevent further issues.