Today I made a 5 meter long bench top out of spotted gum. Fucking nightmare.
Made another hat for the wife.
Brad, if you have more of that fabric I’ll buy one of those owl hats!
Ill take one as well if your interested.
Today: Finishing off my 18sqm yellow stringy bark deck at my house…Finally. Too much time spent working on paid jobs, need to set more time aside for my house! (Sorry, no pics yet)
Loaded 200 rounds last night for the IPSC WA State Titles today/tomorrow. Need to clean/service my press and get a new bench for it. Couple of niggles.
I just did my safety course and lodging forms for ssaa.
@ Blakey and Dayne - I will knock up two more next week and let you know when I am done.
can i put my hand up for one as well if possible?
my lady friend frickin’ loves owls (she’s a librarian)
Put a bird on it.
Registering interests for an owl cap. I understands if you tell me to piss off though cos I’m a stranger.
I don’t make anything but this thread has inspired me to do so. Standby further developments.
I guess I’ll have to come over and christen it at some point… White rabbits?
If there’s orders going an owl cap, my wife would love one too
seen my avatar? i love owls*… so will also take one if they’re going, but doubt you’ve got that much material or inclination to make shitloads of hats for likely strangers.
*technically the tawny frogmouth isn’t an owl, but fuck it, they can be part of the gang.
OK - PM me if you want a owl hat, I have material and time.
Just let me know if you would like it with or without the ribbon on it. I will get back to you as I finish them (within the week).
I am charging $25 inc postage as a one off price - if I continue to make hats I will have to think about my costings a bit more.
I am a bit taken back to the interest you guys/gals have taken with these so big thanks.
looks like a new business line starting up el Brado
peeeee eeemmmmmmed
definite little money earner for ya on the side.
Rolly. I never knew what the fuck your avatar was until you mentioned it was an owl. I always thought…well, I just saw it as some Jim Henson sort of monster. Random shit!
I made nothing today. Trimmed my plum tree that has awesome blossoms on it… thats about all.
+1. rolly, i never knew you were a bird nerd.
nice! pistol or rifle? or both?
hahahaha awesome. it all started when i saw a tawny frogmouth on a wednesday night ride and was super stoked. the avatar is a adult and baby frogmouth. remember seeing 3 of them in the tree out the front of my house when i was about 10 and thinking that it was a really cool thing to see.
i wouldn’t go that far, but yeah, seeing owls is fucking amazing as it’s usually a rare occurence in the big smoke.
seeing a massive wedge tailed eagle take off from the road 50 metres in front of us on our recent traralgon - port albert ride had to be the highlight