Tips and tricks for noobs

Don’t anger the mods.

But feel free to taunt Rockers.

As always, well played CC.


and snap…

Strap/clip yourself in. It may feel extremely strange at first but you will have a heap more control in the longrun.

Lastly, lube your chain people.

Also, check your tyre pressures before every ride.
If you’re wearing shoes with laces, then tuck your laces in.
Carry two spare tubes, as double punctures are always a possibility.
When you replace a tube, be very careful to make sure that whatever caused the puncture isn’t still lodged in your tyre (or even a part of whatever it was). Check this twice.
When you’re riding past parked cars you need to watch out for people who throw open their car doors without warning (I learnt that one the hard way).
Frames with a track geometry can be a pain in the arse to ride on the street.
Pedestrians can never be relied on to act, or react, predictably.
You can often find small change underneath the sofa cushions.

righty tighty, lefty loosy

didn’t the good folks at le pista resistance make a t shirt of this? that shirt ruled so hard.

I have not previously read this thread at all, but SO GLAD I GOT HERE FOR THIS EXCELLENT PIECE OF SUB-CULTURAL HUMOUR!

and when lubing your chain, be careful of your damn fingers.

I learnt the hard way…

They strip after the first skid, happened to a friend. Waste of money.

thanks for the info…helps me a lot

I think you may be talking about something different to josh because he was refering to quando wheelsets and I think you are referring to a particular tyre. If I’m wrong say something I’m a bit of a new to fixed gears but know the general idea of them and the parts as such.

You’re wrong. Stop with the stupid posts already.

here’s my new favourite tip for noobs: comment less, read more.

unless the components are manufactured by chris, phil or paul

Try here…

and here…
Advanced Search - Fixed Gear Australia

Wow. You are so wrong.

thats entertainment!