Travelling to the city from baulkham hills

Hey guys,

I’ve been told a few of you commute to the city from the baulkham hills area. Whats the best route to take?

Renown/Barclays Rd is out because of that monster hill, and Windor road i could see getting a bit touchy in peak hour. Other thoughts?


avymtal will answer this one…from memory he says it is faster going via M4 but he will clarify.

You rang?

As Rod sez, I go down Windsor rd thru parramatta to the m4 bike path. Onto the m4 proper at Silverwater then to queens road and thru the back of five dock.
I’ll put a route link up when I get a chance.


Bloody cyclists not paying tolls on toll roads.


M4 hasn’t had a toll in years. Get with the fucken program, hippy.

Sick burn … haha. Droz hasn’t been out west for a while or doesn’t have a license !!

I was out west today, last week AND the week before (in a car, with licence!)

But I guess I don’t pay much attention. Well played avymtal.

Sorry for the harsh words, been having a shit day… But yeh, no tolls.

We should have a FOA ride out west. I say Shalvey or Minto … title it How The West Was Fun !!!.

Makes a change from meeting up in hipsterville & talking about coffee … there’s good roads out & beyond !!!

and fwiw Droz, I’ve been to the central coast twice in 2014 :wink:

Drug runs?

Something like that. We were looking for the perfect place to cook from … you want it?

A Sydney Orbital network ride would be boss … 110kms

ftfy. motorway shoulders are best avoided unless it’s the quickest route for a commute or you’re a tridork who can’t handle corners.

might sound daggy but I’ve always wanted to ride the M7 bike path … especially as it runs close to my parents place. I see it well paved, lit up at night & apart from a few over & underpasses uninterrupted.
Bicycle Information NSW | Cycle route

it might suck, I have no idea … but I’m curious even though it’s a shared path & that is sometimes frustrating as well.

one day …

More like, How my bike was stolen…

It sucks.

(it’s actually quite good - well kept and well lit, but it still sucks). Lorday put me on to the loop out to Windsor, which is still qute boring, but less boring than the M7.

Company makes a huge difference though, i’m mostly riding solo now :frowning: someone to ride with can make even the most boring route interesting.

I did ride the M7 this morning though, did an hour of power… was kind of fun, but only because it was raining, NOBR AKES and a canvas exposed rear tyre. :\

Fair enough, I hear ya … but i’ll still try it one day because it beats riding around in circles (centennial park) or riding in heavy traffic wherever I go here where I am. I’ll still prefer to head out Camden way and back along old northern and behind there ut it’s been a while since I’ve rode that loop.

Let me know when you do - that’s my local ride (I live on the Horsley Drive). I’ll make pasta and you can have some figs #woglyf

Ditto on both counts! ill scoot down the M7 to join!

Will also probably drive past your place on the way to dunc gray tonight Avvocato

man, I road heaps on your street and around that area in the mid 80’s on my Europa, then Mercian, then Kenevans with my mates Zdenko & Mimo (Colnago & Olmo) & a bunch of Marconi club riders. Roads were smaller then but less traffic and no aggro …

I’ll definitely holla if out riding there, my folks are over the hill at Austral.