fuck yeh, iv pretty much skated all those spots in this edit, its mad seeing bmx’ers do em, big ups !
Stolen from Prolly.
Some inspiration for those of you running pegs.
(couldn’t really think where else to put it)
fuck thats huge. is it on oz ?
Nah Barcelona.
This kid is outta control!
Its official,ive seen my first AUS fixed freestyle edit. SIKSHIT!!!
Are there anymore out there?
Noice lines and BIG air.
Good work guys.
Slick search for “pitiboonsom” on vimeo, he’s the dude doing our edits for at least another week anyway then he’s back off home to Thailand.
cheers fi the link.
i miss Melbourne.
Keep goin hard peeps!!
And he rocks Ashcan!
that was posted mid last year, footage is all from around january last year, pretty basic, but on a non-trick frame and 25c tyres haha, oh how things have changed! back when i was riding early last year i would have never imagined fgfs would “take off” - (literally with more bmx inspired stuff) the way it has in the last 6-12 months!
sudden switch of wheels at the very end, reckon he taco’d the b43?
I was diggin the red b43 combo though.
I don’t notice too many helmets in this thread.
That said, I notice HEAPS of skill that I couldn’t replicate.
probably not, B43’s while not a “trick” rim(too narrow for bigger tyres) are amazingly strong (as are all velocity rims). i once broke 3 spokes next to eachother on a rear all on the drive side while learning 360’s. the wheel stayed true as and the only reason i noticed was the nipples rattling around inside the rim
he could also be riding H+S ENO rims(or whatever they are called) same as steven jenson
HPLUSSON EERO rims. Badder, tougher stronger than B43’s will ever be!
Put mine on today!
A quick edit i threw together with some recent footage. Nothing amazing but we always have big smiles.
Ride On!!!
^nice rick, that’s a sweet little edit!
re:edit (a work in progress)
So, (correct me if im wrong) there are only 3 edits up from Australia. 1 Melburn (nice) and 1 Adelaide (wierd), and 1 Brizzo (old), i love watchin the American cats shred but it would be great to see more local edits.
A good way to get dudes hyped is by raising the bar and presenting ya skills. Cmon guys, where ya edits???
iMovie…piece of piss.