NEVER!!! Kids bikes forever.

Another kids bikes video filmed at city park last Wednesday night.

Rhys that’s so sick seeing locals ripping it up. That last trick was insane, same with the bar spin to manual on the box, bar spin off!

I’m soooooooooo hanging to ride again and it’s only been 2 weeks. FARK!

thats guys nuts , i even like how he checked for head clearance , before he attempted anything , under the underpasss , safety first

thats the first fixed video i gone wow! dirt stuff was heaps cool

edit. how do you embed or whatever vimeo?? the code didn’t work? :S

Melbourne edit from a month or two ago.

In the post message screen there’s a small film pic (in between the post a pic and quote ones), click on it and insert the video’s link


:smiley: thanks man

A small clip from a few weeks ago

Marc Arnold Colony Throwaways.

I ride with this guy a couple times a week. He rides at this level all the time.

was really good mates with the two who started elevated in Gainesville Fl. rode with miles as well, hell of a rider.


one of my favourites.

The Package Volume Two.
More BMX stuff.

haha literally just put this up on my tumblr. RAAAAAD

Daniel Johnson edit for Division Brand.

Division Brand - Division Brand

Tom La Marche on Vimeo

damn what a edit…

as filmed by one of the nicest people around, mr tom briggs.
who despite having some of the best bike crash injury stories, is a mean bike rider in many forms. keeping up with him on his brakeless bmx is hard work!

Time for another Focalpoint The Package.
The song wouldn’t be my first choice, but the riding is ridiculous as always!!

Good job guys!! Those were amazing!!!