
Was a prefect end to the week. Mods to bike this week ready for next trixunday! SWEET!!


nice edit rick!

I got a question, as serious as cancer…Whats brown and black and looks good on roadies?

yo nice edit Slick.
Got my new wheels on the road and will try my best to make it out to Sunday Trix asap.

Gatorskins? i dunno.

btw, ya mo than welcome to the Sundae of Trix.


Great edit Ricardo! Spesh in front of Law School hahaha

these sunday things still on?
Get my new ride next tuesday so might roll past sunday night is the weather is correct.

This is over, endead, finito. Due to lack of participation and coz most people who ride fixed these days are just wankers jumping on the bandwagon so they can pose on the latest mode of hip transport and pretend that they can actually do trix. I know, what a f&%kn joke.
How do i know this?? Trust me i know.


Can’t do trix on a CX bike.

u can do trix on any bike.


It was more a dig at…

Everyone knows that CX bikes are the next “big” thing. :wink:

But it sucks that no one is doing Trixunday anymore though. I can’t wheely to save my life, so I’ll stick to tricking on my skateboard.

PS: I don’t think anyone “owns” fixed gear, nor it’s coolness level, so why are you upset that people are now riding bikes, fixed drivetrain or otherwise? It’s so fucking huge now that I think getting upset that EVERY bike store sells a “tarck” bike and people are realising that riding bikes is fun and a good way to get around is kinda lame.


I’m a wanker.

Hell yeah, started when I was 12,and 29 years later can’t see any good reason to stop.Eyesight is still ok too.
Besides anyone who says they don’t is just lyin anyway, aint that true greg?

As for posing/being fashionable with a bike…whatever floats ya boat I say.More bikes more fun.
