I have a set of tubi track wheels that I scored cheap a long time ago, with tubs mounted. They’ve been sitting in the shed for a couple of years.
The tyres are Conti Giros, they look to be in very good nick, negligible tread wear and the gum sidewalls are good. I believe they’re a very cheap tyre - are they crap? They look and feel hard and lumpy, especially at pressure. I have rolled around the block on them and on the carnegie track and they feel like crap compared to a halfway decent road clincher.
Since they’ve been in the shed for so long, should they be re-glued before I trust my life to them? Should I bin them and buy new ones? (I think I know the answer to this)
There’s a few gluey thumbprints on the rims, can they be removed easily - the rims are Mavic OR 10s - very pretty gold and I don’t want to fuck up the ano.
Much obliged.