tuesday, 23rd of march (german club)

good night.

i dont think i slept to well last night. too busy processing deep fried cheese.

such a fun evening. mmmmmm… pork knuckle :smiley:

Good times! The vegie paella was delicious!

So where to next week? Keep the European tour going? The Polish club?

Polish club has ridiculously good alcohol prices. If we go there i won’t be working the next day :slight_smile:

Aww man, last night was great.

My personal highlight: the ‘salad’ conversation. And Johnson dropping the ‘c’ bomb.

Can’t wait for next Tuesday!

God damn polacks don’t open their club on a Tuesday night by the looks! How about the Irish club instead?

anyone ever been to any of those african restaurants in marooka?

nah - i’ve never ventured out of the city to the ghetto

Anyone keen? I’m happy either way.

Let’s say 7:00pm at the Irish Club?

tonight? I’m down

Sweet! It’s on then. 7pm at Irish Club tonight!

im out. spent about $250 on food in melbourne/canberra over the weekend. i ate like a fucking king.

Yeah I think I’m out too, didn’t realize I had so much shit due this week

Alright, let’s postpone it for next week then :slight_smile:

tuesday night :slight_smile: