Tweed Run

Would like to but work duties call.
Maybe Monday would of been a better day!

I’d rather have Sunday to recover from the drinking :wink:

Someone loan me some tweed, a bike, and a probable hangover cure and I’m there.

What, you don’t have a bike? Maybe you meant to join this forum:

Faaaark me. They have a forum for everything.

I lost you guys after I split off for a bit – I did a loop around the southern side of the lake, and then up to Olim’s, but I could see no tweed!

Seemed like a fun event for the brief while I was there, hopefully it becomes a regular thing. I’ll even dress appropriately for the next one.

Sorry we missed ya Ed.

Pics here:

Riot ACT writeup here:

… describes how a lowlife passerby cold-cocked one of the girls riding in our group. Wish we’d had a few more of ya’ll along to pursue the fucker (tho simplespeed made the effort)

Anyway, next tweed ride slated for Septmber…